The possibilities are endless for a canvas shaped like a window! For my first one, I really wanted to do something that featured a lot of this gorgeous light magenta tint I had. So, I thought a nice pink sky should do it! And let's throw a dormant volcano in there too.. and a body of water. Perfect!
Preparing the Canvas
Applied two coats of gesso with a 1" flat Princeton Select brush.
Painting the Water
Used Princeton Select 1/4" angular shader with craft quality teal and Golden brand ultramarine blue.
Painting the Mountains
Painted mountains with a mix of craft quality teal and Winsor & Newton brand cadmium yellow.
Painted background mountains with Golden ultramarine and Winsor & Newton white mix using the same angular shader (rinsed first).
Adding Details
Washed off brush and painted picture frame part with blend of Winsor and Newton titanium white and Golden brand light magenta.
Used mix of craft black with light magenta to add depth to the sky.
Base Coating the Frame
Gave picture frame part a base coat of craft black.
Painting gets completed in another video.